Brief Motions
for piano, 4 hands
2016 |
commissioned by Gail Thiele, pianist
instrumentation: piano
category: solo keyboard(s)
Program Notes:
Composed between May and October of 2016, the four movements are written with the rhythms and styles of ballroom dances. Each movement portrays the impression of a different Arizona city in which the composer has lived. By mapping each letter of the alphabet to the natural keys of a piano (A=A; B=B; ... ;F=F; G=G; H=A; I=B; J=C; K=D; ... ; Y=D; Z=E), one can spell out the word “ARIZONA” on the piano. The composer collapses those pitches into a small musical motive ADBEAGA, which can be found throughout all four movements.
First Performed:
(excerpt: Subtle: "Wickenburg Waltz")
(excerpt: Impulsive: "Tempe Tango")
(excerpt: Breezy: "Scottsdale Samba")
(excerpt: Quick and Light: "Phoenix Foxtrot")